Friday, February 13, 2009

Adding new empty board/s to your layout..

After adding a new baseboard section, I set the Radius and Sensitivity dials to Maximum. I then place the cursor/compass on an adjacent area on the old board and click “Get Height”. I then click “Plateau” and then I click “Use Height”, and was able to raise the height of the new baseboard by dragging across it. Do this to all different height sections of the adjacent areas of the two boards and you will find that your job of setting out the new board will be a lot easier.

Or you can work on the new board with chance as your tool.

In 2004. Use "Alt-MMMG" (Make Me a Map George). It completely landscapes a baseboard or series of baseboards by chance.
It's a way to do it quickly, but the landscapes are a bit wild! Especially if you are a bit slow with the Esc key to STOP!

In 2006. Use "Shift + Ctrl + Alt and AMMMP".(Always Manipulate My Maps Please).
Hit Esc to stop.
Ground textures take longer to draw. Also if you do more then one baseboard, the area you look at gets textured better than others, don't know why.

Now for a couple of keystrokes that are fun to try, you can use these to take Screenshots by using the "Ptr Scr" key whilst in this mode.

2004/06 Fly and Walk mode. Fly = "Alt + fly", Walk = "Alt + walk".
2009 Fly and walk mode. Fly = "Alt + U", Walk = "Alt + Y".

and the 2004 keystrokes that let you ride in a vehicle on a road?
It's "ALT + CARZ".